Development of sasi culture based mangrove forest conservation instruction package to improve ecological knowledge of Amahai State Society, Central Maluku District

Instructional Package is one of the learning media that can be used in the learning process and can increase public knowledge. This research aims to determine, (1) Development of an Instructional Package for Mangrove Forest Conservation Based on Sasi Culture in Amahai Region, (2) Knowing the Effectiveness of this Instructional Package in Improving Community Knowledge About Mangrove Forest Conservation Based on Sasi Culture in Amahai Region. And analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This research is development research using the dick and Carey model to produce an instructional package which will be tested in Amahai and Sehati villages with a sample for each village of 30 people using a test instrument to measure knowledge both pre-test and post-test, the behaviour group used the instructional package while the control group did not use the instructional package. The mean values obtained in the behavioral group were: for the pre-test 25% and the post-test 29%, while the mean scores for the control group were 25% for the pre-test and 26% for the post-test. To find out the effectiveness of the instructional package, normality is tested using Kolmogorov Smirnov with pre-test and post-test data, and the gain scores are declared normal, and the variance homogeneity test using levena is the value of the two groups is homogeneous and the test is different (t-test). with the significance value used is α 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the instructional package is effective and feasible to be used as a learning resource and can be used in the learning process