With the increase in the world population every year, the need for plant and animal foods has increased. In order to meet these needs, the amount of fertilizers (with chemical content) used to increase productivity in agriculture has increased and has become a threat to the soil and the environment. In order to minimize the harms of chemical fertilizers and to preserve the fertility of the soil, new environmentally friendly applications have been researched. In this context, studies on "Plant Probiotics", which are one of the effective applications both in protecting the quality of the soil and increasing the yield in plant production, especially on local isolates and formulations to be prepared from them, have gained momentum. Plant probiotics are a group of microorganisms or microorganisms that can improve soil health, plant growth, and plant tolerance or immunity to various abiotic and biotic stresses, thanks to their potential role in enhanced nutrient acquisition and/or biocontrol activities by colonizing the root zone of plants, called the rhizosphere. As a result of inoculation of plants with strains of these bacteria, which have very different properties (nitrogen binding, phosphate solubilizing, biocontrol agent, stress resistance, phytohormone synthesis), it directly affects the growth and development of the roots and shoots of the plant, increasing the biomass, as well as contributing to the increase of the yield and quality of the product. In this context, the preparation and use of biofertilizer formulations of local plant probiotic bacteria, which will be obtained from their natural areas, has become very important in rational agricultural practices in recent years and intensive researches are carried out. With the use of the aforementioned plant probiotic formulations, environmentally friendly green production will be made by contributing to the production of both foodstuffs and feed raw materials in order to ensure the continuity of the world population. As a result, the protection of the ecosystem will be ensured by preventing environmental pollution, which is the problem of the whole world.