Some Haematological Observations in Columba Livia Due to Haemoproteus Infection

Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and some are efficient scavengers. Poultry forming is a leading profession which provides nutritive food products for human consumption. However, these valuable resources can be infected with a wide range of blood parasites which may affect their survival and existence. In this study, the impact of Haemoproteus, an intracellular sporozoan parasite of the common pigeon. Columba livia on some heamatological parameters (Hb% and TEC) was examined. The investigations were conducted in two groups of Columba livia. Group A: Control, Group B, Heamoproteus infected. The Hb values (13.410.17gm/100ml) in Group A decline to (10.8±0.37 gm/100ml) in Group B. TEC in Group B also declined to 1.620.05×106/Cmm from the normal values of 2.19±0.02×10/Cmm in Group A. The fall in Hb% was 18.97%. and that in TEC was 24.2%. The values of TEC are more affected (24.2 %) as compared to Hb (18.97%). Being an intracellular parasite, the metabolism of Heamoproteus appears to be directly associated with the cells.