Analisis Kelayakan Materi Piaud Science Learning Media (PSLM) Berbasis Wonosobo Local Wisdom

The entry of foreign cultures through various things caused the fading of the knowledge of Indonesia’s young generation toward their own culture. The introduction of culture from an early age should be encouraged to overcome these problems. One of them through education, where students are introduced to their culture’s through the learning process. The introduction of the culture through education can be given by science material, where science is subject which is very closely related to the surrounding environment. Science learning is rarely associated with the value of local wisdom, even though science is very closely with environment and culture. The purpose of this study is produce PSLM based on wonosobo local wisdom and examine properness of PSLM based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom material. The research method is R&D, where the product produced is PSLM for early childhood. The result showed that PSLM has been produced that is materially feasible with a very good category based on expert judgment.