Instilling Akhlakul Karimah through Islamic Education Learning (PAI) (Phenomenological Study at Senior High School)

This article discusses the guidance of akhlak karimah through PAI learning at Tunas Luhur Paiton Probolinggo High School. This article uses the Type of Field Research (Field Research) of the object of study by using reference sources on related topics. This article argues that the development of moral mercy through PAI learning in Tunas Luhur High School Paiton Probolinggo is a model of applying moral mercy which has implications for increasing students' submission to Allah SWT and improving the academic quality of students. This school is located in Paiton Probolinggo, which was established by PT. YTL East Java and PT. Java Power as a form of Community Development commitment. This school has many enthusiasts but is limited to a maximum of 20-30 students/classes. This school implements a Full Day School system in collaboration with the Institute of Probolinggo Regency and the Malang Institute of Development. The Tartila Institute of Probolinggo Regency organizes Qur'an Learning in addition to organizing English education in the form of smart English (s.e) so that a program of increasing devotion to Allah SWT relating to Requiring students to perform Dhuha Prayers, Dhuhr Congregational Prayers and Asr in schools and carry out a serial telephone to wake up students at night with the aim that students perform Tahajjud prayers; program The school's academic quality improvement program organizes the Student Learning Development Program (BBS) which has 2 objectives: UNAS success and SNMPTN success and Scientific Writing (KTI) which must be completed by students before semester 2 of the last class (TA). This article discusses the general description of the daily morals of students at Tunas Luhur Paiton Probolinggo High School which is implemented through the efforts made by PAI teachers in fostering student morals through PAI learning. The success of this school is characterized by behavior when at home even without control from the teacher, students still carry out routine worship that is accustomed to being carried out for example prayer in congregation and from the teacher, students continue to carry out routine worship that is accustomed to being carried out so that silaturrahmi formed both among students.