Private communication with quantum cascade laser photonic chaos

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Mid-infrared free-space optical communication has a large potential for high speed communication due to its immunity to electromagnetic interference. However, data security against eavesdroppers is among the obstacles for private free-space communication. Here, we show that two uni-directionally coupled quantum cascade lasers operating in the chaotic regime and the synchronization between them allow for the extraction of the information that has been camouflaged in the chaotic emission. This building block represents a key tool to implement a high degree of privacy directly on the physical layer. We realize a proof-of-concept communication at a wavelength of 5.7 μm with a message encryption at a bit rate of 0.5 Mbit/s. Our demonstration of private free-space communication between a transmitter and receiver opens strategies for physical encryption and decryption of a digital message.
Funding Information
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-17-ASMA-0006)
  • United States Department of Defense | United States Navy | Office of Naval Research (N00014-16-1-2094)
  • National Science Foundation (DMR-1611598)