Recommender System for Information Retrieval Using Natural Language Querying Interface Based in Bibliographic Research for Naïve Users

With the increasing of data on the internet, data analysis has become inescapable to gain time and efficiency, especially in bibliographic information retrieval systems. We can estimate the number of actual scientific journals points to around 40,000 with about four million articles published each year. Machine learning and deep learning applied to recommender systems had become unavoidable whether in industry or in research. In this current, we propose an optimized interface for bibliographic information retrieval as a running example, which allows different kind of researchers to find their needs following some relevant criteria through natural language understanding. Papers indexed in Web of Science and Scopus are in high demand. Natural language including text and linguistic-based techniques, such as tokenization, named entity recognition, syntactic and semantic analysis, are used to express natural language queries. Our Interface uses association rules to find more related papers for recommendation. Spanning trees are challenged to optimize the search process of the system.

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