中国共产党人历来重视青年一代的责任教育问题,特别是党的十八大以来,更是把青年一代的责任教育提到了一个新的高度。习近平同志在多次会议的讲话内容中针对青年的身心发展特点提出了一系列的关于青年责任的表述,形成了习近平新时代青年责任观。习近平新时代青年责任观是对马克思主义青年观、责任观以及中华民族自古以来的责任意识的继承和发展,是立足于新时代中国特色社会主义时代特点以及当代青年责任担当现状提出的关于青年责任的科学阐述。 The Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to the responsibility education of the young generation, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Xi Jinping put forward a series of statements on youth’s responsibility in the contents of his speech at many meetings, forming Xi Jinping’s responsibility concept in the new era. Xi Jinping’s new era youth responsibility concept is the inheritance and development of Marx’s youth view, responsibility concept and China’s sense of responsibility since ancient times. It is a scientific exposition of youth responsibility based on the characteristics of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the status quo of contemporary youth responsibility.