Examination of Covariance Structures for Experimental Design with Repeated Measure

This research examine different covariance structures for experimental design with repeated measure data. Multiple responses taken sequentially from same experimental unit at different periods of time for quantitative data are referred as Repeated Measurement. Weight of 105 broilers in grams for six group obtained from jewel farm Gombe were used as research materials/data. Eleven different covariance structures including the modified one (UN, UNC, TOEP, TOEPH, ANTE(1), AR(1), ARH(1), CS, CSH, HF and ARFA(1)) were examined. AIC, AICC, BIC, HQIC, CAIC and the modified criteria ASIC were used to examine covariance structures and bring the best among them using the named information criteria. The result shows that sphericity assumptions was violated a such the best covariance structure was ARH(1) while the least structure was CSH. Also on the basis of goodness of fit criteria HQIC was found to be the best information criteria. When examined the best information criteria and covariance structure with the modified ones, the modified ASIC and ARFA(1) found to be the best. In conclusion examine different covariance structures with repeated measure data give a very good result defending on the kind of data.