Purpose - The purpose of this study was to conduct a discussion on the treatment improvement for workers engaged in hotel lodging industry based on the Labor Standards Act. In modern society, the concept of workers and legal regulations are difficult to apply in actual field, and there is a need to intervene at the national level. Basically, labor relations is not limited to the relationship between employers and workers, but is a part of workers, companies, and government to cooperate together. Design, data, and methodology -This study focuses on the necessity of supplementing the provisions of the Labor Standards Act. Firstly, it focuses on the daily allowance of daily workers, secondly, the problem of treatment improvement of daily workers, and third, social insurance of daily workers. The Labor Standards Act does not provide a clear definition of how long daily workers under three months are covered by the Labor Standards Act or the specific definition of daily workers. It is time to present more clearly and specifically the scope of these non-specific regulations. This is because a daily worker may be included in the applicable exception even though he or she is working for a period of one year, even if he or she is eligible for weekly leave allowance payment, annual leave, and severance pay. Therefore, this study intends to discuss the issue of treatment of daily workers in hotel accommodations in the tourism industry, which is not clear in the Labor Standards Act. Result -Daily workers should not be harmed by unreasonable employment relationships, and if they are found to be working for more than three months in the workplace, as well as regular workers, they should be recognized as eligible for workers'' compensation insurance. Despite the same number of working days and work as regular workers, the constant disadvantage in working conditions is that contracts between workers and employers are repeated in the form of expiration and renewal. Conclusion -Finally, as regards the social insurance of daily workers, national pension, medical insurance, and industrial accident insurance should be able to be applied as business subscribers, not local subscribers, if the application requirements are met. Construction workers are eligible for the National Pension as members of the workplace if they have more than eight working days. The hotel accommodation industry, which uses daily workers relatively, needs to be used when the number of working days of regular workers is met to improve the treatment of daily workers, regardless of the one-day contract and the contract of expiration.