The section titled “Dündar Teacher is Reading Ulus Newspaper” in Adalet Ağaoğlu’s novel, Ölmeye Yatmak, includes the news of Ulus newspaper in 1938. News in the text with notification phrases helps the reader to enter the spirit of the period. When the content of the news is examined, it is seen that the topics that are related to the general of the novel are selected and contain perceptions about the message to be given. The transmitter, who wants the reader to reach inferences using the background information from the given intuitions, makes some guidance with tips in order not to break from the context, thereby paving the way for achieving the correct inferences. The purpose of this study, in which news contents are evaluated by the discourse analysis method, is to present data about the sub-message of news from Ulus newspaper in the novel Ölmeye Yatmak, to determine the stylistic features of the work on the use of statements, inferences, intuition sentences.