鲟鱼是我国名贵冷水鱼类之一,其生长快速、体型巨大、肉质鲜美,具有重要的科研价值和极高的经济价值。近十年来(2009~2018),我国鲟鱼养殖产量虽然从2.9万吨增长到9.7万吨,产量增加了2.34倍,但养殖地域空间分布和地域产量变动非常巨大。本文依据中国渔业统计年鉴(2010~2019)报道数据,对十年来我国鲟鱼养殖产量进行统计分析并预测其发展趋势,以期为我国鲟鱼养殖产业的发展提供参考。Sturgeon is one of valuable cold-water fish in China, and famous for its growing fast, giant body size, and delicious meat. It has important scientific research and extremely high economic value. In re-cently decade (2009~2018), the production of sturgeon cultivation has increased from 29,000 tons to 97,000 tons, and increased by 2.34 times, however, the spatial distribution and regional produc-tion changed greatly. In order to provide a reference for the development of sturgeon culture in China, a statistical analysis was made on the production of sturgeon aquaculture reported by China Fisheries Statistical Yearbook (2010~2019), and forecast the developmental trend in this paper.