实验课在数据结构与算法课程的整个教学体系中具有重要作用,是连接理论和实践的桥梁和纽带。然而由于多种原因,实验课的实施往往难以达到预期的教学目标。本文针对数据结构与算法课程实验的设计和实施过程中存在的问题进行分析,并基于翻转课堂和基于成果教学的教学模式,提出了一种以学生为主导、教师对整个实验过程实施全流程管理的实验方法,有助于提高学生学习的能动性,在有限的实验时间内实现既定教学目标。 Experimental course plays an important role in the whole teaching process of data structure and algorithm course, which is the bridge and link between theory and practice. However, due to a variety of reasons, the implementation of experimental course is often difficult to achieve the expected teaching objectives. In this paper, we first analyze the problems existing in the design and implementation of the experiment of data structure and algorithm course. Afterwards, based on the flipped classroom and outcome based education mode, we put forward an experimental method that is student-oriented and teachers implement the whole process management of the whole experiment process. This method helps to improve students’ learning initiative and is conducive to achieve the established teaching objectives in the limited experimental time.

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