El acceso a la vivienda en alquiler en Córdoba capital. Un análisis desde el derecho a la ciudad y la perspectiva de género.

Residential rental is the form of tenure that grew the most in Argentina and other countries in the region in recent years. According to surveys, about 16% of Argentine households are tenants; in the big cities between 25% and 30%. In parallel, a significant number of households cannot. access the rent due to the rigid limitations that the system imposes, aggravated by the inequalities in the relations between owners and tenants, both in the formal and informal markets. The City of Cordoba is no exception and joined the mercantile space-dynamics. The present work proposes to inquire about the tenancy in the City of Cordoba, establishing relationships with the Latin-American unequal urban context. The article gives an account of the situation of rental housing, the value/salary/location relation and the difficulties of access by the low-income sectors, focusing on the gender issues. In parallel, existing movements and experiences in the region will be analyzed for the development a local rent policy that led to a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable city.