Reading is an activity that carried out by students because by reading they will get information and express their main ideas when joining courses such as reading comprehension. In order to express the idea, students should understand the content of text in reading, especially in the form of English. The researcher focused on the fifth semester of the English department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, because they did not fully understand the contents of the text so that it had an impact on teaching and learning activities in reading comprehension courses. The solution used is the Team Quiz strategy. This strategy is cooperative learning that addresses material, gives direction, gives questions and answers. The problems arising from the strategy are: there is a significant influence on the application of the Team Quiz method in improving the understanding of student texts in reading comprehension courses. The purpose of this study was to identify the significant influence of the implementation of Team Quiz strategies in improving the understanding of texts in reading comprehension courses. The method used by the researcher is using experimental Quasy in quantitative because the students consist of 50 in two classes which will later be made into two groups in the control and experimental groups. Based on the data obtained shows that in the control group with a total of 25 students obtained a score of 843 with an average of 42.15 and an experimental group with a total of 26 students getting a score of 1395 with an average of 69.75. This means that the experimental group scores higher than the control group. Because Ttes is greater than critical value which is 8.4> 2.093 or 0.05, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there is a difference in understanding of the text between students taught by using the Team Quiz strategy and those that are not. Then it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the implementation of Team Quiz's strategy in improving text comprehension in the Five Semester students of the English department at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Keywords: Influence, Understanding, Team Quiz. Abstrak Membaca adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa karena dengan membaca mereka akan mendapatkan informasi dan dapat mengungkapkan ide pokok atau gagasan disaat mengikuti mata kuliah seperti reading comprehension. Agar mengungkapkan gagasan maka mahasiswa harus memahami isi teks bacaan khususnya teks dalam bentuk bahasa Inggris. Peneliti terfokus pada Semester Lima jurusan bahasa Inggris di STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, dikarenakan mereka belum sepenuhnya paham tentang isi teks sehingga berdampak pada aktifitas proses belajar mengajar di mata kuliah reading comprehension. Solusi yang digunakan adalah strategi Team Quiz. Strategi ini merupakan pembelajaran kooperatif yang membahas materi, memberi arahan, memberi pertanyaan dan menjawab. Permasalahan yang muncul adanya strategi yaitu:...