The article is aimed at the theoretical analysis of the place of social interest in the structure of civic competencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology of the presented scientific research is based on the theoretical provisions of the concept of social interest offered by Alfred Adler and further developed by his followers, as well as on the views on civic competence of M. Munkler and F. Audizhe. Civic competencies that contribute to addressing threats and pandemic challenges are examined. Among these threats are those caused by the rapid spread of the virus, the risk of an overload on the health care system, poor logistical support for the health care system, psychological stress on advanced health care personnel, and low-level community cohesion. Social interest is considered as a psychological factor of competent civic behavior aimed at overcoming these threats. The manifestation of civic competence in a pandemic situation is considered. The author outlines the competencies predetermined by the social interest that play a key role in overcoming challenges and fighting the threats created by the COVID-19 pandemic. They include the conscious ability of citizens to promote the common good; conscious and constructive actions (or deliberate avoidance of specific activities) aimed at eliminating risks and/or improving the situation at the local or wider community level; the ability to engage in constructive and effective interaction with others, aimed at consolidating joint efforts. Social interest is seen as decisive for such groups of competencies for democratic citizenship as value competencies and social competencies (ability to interact). The results can be used in the development of educational programs aimed at the formation of competencies for democratic citizenship, as well as in the development of information campaigns aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, and in community development strategies to address the effects of the pandemic.