The study aims at improving Bahasa Indonesia learning achievement in reading aloud by using demonstration method. The subject was the students of grade III A at SD Negeri 44 Lubuklinggau. The plan of action was to improve the skill in reading aloud and reading fairy tale. The research was conducted in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2 by using demonstration method. The result was, in cycle I, the students who were active in having the discussion to friends were only 3 students in each group or around 37,50%. In contrast, in cycle II there was an improvement in each group. There were 6 students who did the discussion in each group. The significant improvement happened when they answered the questions. There were 3 students or 37,50% that showed the improvement in cycle I to 56,67%. In summary, teaching reading aloud by using demonstration method can improve students achievement. Keywords: Achievement, Demonstration Method, Reading Aloud