Residential balconies in contemporary Egyptian architecture: An analytical study

Balconies in residential buildings are an integral part of the housing unit; they are spaces that complement the housing unit because it provides the house with a relatively specific external space from which it interacts with the outside environment; in addition to providing a view of the external environment surrounding the housing unit. Residential balconies in contemporary Egyptian architecture are gradually losing their basic function in a large proportion of residential buildings in Egypt, especially in distracts with high population densities. In addition to the random treatments of the owners of housing units for their balconies with additions and finishing materials in different colors and shapes.Every housing unit is looking for individual excellence in its own balconies without taking into account the harmony between them and the facade of the building which is part of it or the surrounding environment in general, For this reason, the Egyptian National Authority for Cultural Coordination was considered to consider balconies a form of visual pollution in Egyptian cities. The research aims to find out the reasons for the changes in the residential balconies in the contemporary Egyptian architecture in terms of function and general appearance, by studying the current situation of the residential balconies, and analyzing it to know the reasons for this change and its problems and thus suggest a set of treatments and controls that contribute to the improvement of the current situation and take into account in future designs. This is based on a systematic analysis based on the analysis of the studies carried out in this field, field studies, available information sources and relevant references.