Utilizing web based GIS services for retrieving and disseminating geographic information for disaster management

The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) related to web-based services such as portals, web services and databases (DB) services for searching, retrieving, disseminating and sharing information has also happened in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) through web-based GIS Services. In GIS, the portal is replaced by Geoportal, Web Service by Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) while DB Services is replaced by Geographic Database (GeoDB) services. Web based GIS services can be classified as Geoportal, WMS, WFS and GeoDB Services. This research developed a prototype of web-based GIS services for the management of Geographic Information related to disaster management. There are several techniques for developing GIS based web services such as using Content Management Systems for GIS, namely OpenGeo Suite, GeoNode, and ArcGIS based GIS Services. This research focuses on Web-based GIS Services with the ArcGIS platform. The prototype of Web-based GIS Services was built focusing on Geographic information in disaster management cycles such as recovery (rehabilitation and reconstruction), prevention (mitigation), preparedness and emergency response periods.