Introduction: Lateral Epicondylitis is a overuse syndrome usually seen in people who perform repeated extension and supination movement of elbow against resistance. Tissue Extensibility Dysfunction (TED) is a term which suggests apparent tightness of the muscle which has occurred due to spasm, lactic acid accumulation, inflammation or over use. Need of The Study: Many Studies involving manual therapy with different techniques have already demonstrated manual therapy is effective in reducing pain in subjects with lateral epicondylitis. Very few studies have focused on Mulligan’s Pain Release Phenomenon (PRP) which is established to reduce pain and improving range of motion. Also, there is dirth in literature related to tissue extensibility dysfunction occurring in subacute variant of tennis elbow and the effect of PRP on TED. Hence this study is been undertaken. Methodology: A total of 50 sample size was randomized into 25 per group. Group A consisted of Conventional therapy and Group B consisted of Conventional therapy with Mulligan’s PRP. Outcome measures were noted pre therapy and on the 7th day that is post therapy and results were tabulated. Results: The results declare that pain (0.05 and 0.001), grip strength (0.001, 0.001) and disability (0.001, 0.001) showed significant improvement in the scores in both the group whereas muscle stiffness (0.341 and 0.001) significantly improved only in Group B. Conclusion: Mulligan’s Pain Release Phenomenon technique can be used to treat Subacute tennis elbow effectively and is known to reduce the muscle stiffness along with pain and disability and improving strength.