Edible insect harvest in Pinos, Zacatecas, Mexico

Objective: To identify the exploitation and generation of economic income derived from the harvest ofescamol (Liometopum apiculatum Mayr), white worm (Aegiale hesperiaris W) and red worm (Comadiaredtenbacheri H), during an annual season.Design/Methodology: Surveys were applied to n=593 edible insect harvesters in n= 18 ruralcommunities, local authorities (ejido commissaries, auxiliary judges), buyers (intermediaries), andrepresentatives of the stockpiling company DELIZAC. The interviews were conducted in harvesting zones(field), at the time of the delivery of the product (stockpiling), and in the homes of harvesters selected assample in Pinos, Zacatecas, Mexico.Results: The prices per kilogram of escamol and white worm, during the 2020 seasons, was US$15.00,and for the red worm, US$25.00. The harvest of edible insects was 34.6 tons with an economic spill ofUS$572,800.00 showing a per capita average income of US$965.90.Study Limitations/Implications: The results of this study can be used to propose techniques that favorthe conservation, management, and sustainable exploitation of the three species of edible insects forinhabitants of the rural zones in central-northern Mexico.Conclusions: The harvest of edible insects in Pinos, Zacatecas, generates important economic income. Ofthe harvesters, 78.9 % were men, 13.7 % adult women, and 7.4 % children. Most of the harvestinglocalities lack permits to carry out the exploitation.