为了了解拌和方式对水泥稳定碎石材料性能的影响,本文选用3.5%、4.0%、4.5%、5.0%、5.5%五种水泥剂量分别对顺序拌和、振动拌和和传统常规拌和三种拌和方式下的最佳含水率、无侧限抗压强度、劈裂强度干缩系数等试验数据进行了对比分析。研究表明:相比较传统常规拌和工艺,顺序拌和和振动拌和技术最佳含水量可降低15%以上,无侧限抗压强度也有较大提升,同等水泥剂量下养护7 d后抗干缩性能也具有更优异的表现,当水泥剂量较大时振动拌和技术比顺序拌合技术有更好的性能表现。 In order to understand the way of mixing effect on the performance of cement stabilized gravel materials, this paper chooses 3.5%, 4.0%, 4.5%, 5.0%, 5.5%, five kinds of cement dosage of traditional order mixing, vibrating mixing and conventional mixing three mixing mode of optimum moisture content and unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength, dry shrinkage coefficient and so on, comparing the test data analysis. Research shows that: compared with the traditional conventional mixing process, the order of mixing and vibrating mixing technology optimum moisture can reduce more than 15%, the unconfined compressive strength has large improvement, and also under the same cement dosage curing shrinkage resistance after 7 d also has more excellent performance, when the cement dosage larger vibration than order batch mixing technology has a better performance.