Background: The Coronavirus Disease-2019 manifested as a serious infectious disease that affected people of all ages and genders, particularly older patients with comorbidities. Patients who have recovered from COVID have serious restrictions. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) in patients and the relationship between post-COVID-19 functional status and selected demographic characteristics.Methods: This study employed a descriptive survey research design and a quantitative, non-experimental research approach. Data were obtained from 190 COVID-19 recovered patients admitted to an Indian quaternary hospital who met the inclusion criteria utilizing an online survey approach and a mobile app. Prior to the study, the institutional scientific and ethical committees approved it. The study's findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square.Results: The percentage of demographic data is identified, and the post COVID functional limitation of samples shows that 58 percent have negligible functional limitation, 24 percent have no functional limitation, 16 percent have slight functional limitation, 1 percent have moderate functional limitation, and 1 percent have severe functional limitation. There was an association between PCFS and age, as well as PCFS and the COVID-19 group.Conclusion: Some COVID-19 survivors suffered functional difficulties after infection. The severity of the disease and its duration are important risk factors for the development of post-COVID-19 functional impairments. The study's findings assist healthcare professionals in improving their understanding of post-COPID functional status and providing appropriate care to post-COPID recovered patients.