Perennial Plants in Vietnam's Economy

Vietnam has strengths in perennial crop production due to its diverse soil, climate and crop ecosystems. Developing perennial crops is strength of our Vietnam's agriculture to serve the requirements of raw materials for the processing industry and for export. During the 36 years of renovation (1995 - 2021), perennial crop production has continuously developed comprehensively, growing rapidly both in terms of area expansion and intensive farming to increase productivity and output. In recent years, the output of most perennial crops has increased sharply, especially those associated with export such as coffee, rubber, tea, cashew, and pepper. Policymakers and many researchers in Vietnam seem to be "crazy" for the GDP index, so everything seems to be compared with GDP; if an industry's share in GDP is low, it doesn't seem these sectors important enough! This study used input-output analysis method to show the importance of perennial crops to the Vietnamese economy through the multiplier links between industries (inter-industrial) and the economy's supply-demand relationship.