A Busca pela formação de uma identidade nacional brasileira

In modern times, clarity about the definition of cultural identity that precedes national identity is increasingly sought, so the analysis of the work of Juridical Anthropology by Jose Manuel de Sacadura Rocha (2010) can help in this sense, through the understanding of what is defined about a Brazilian national identity. This is due to the conceptional understanding of the individual himself, and the analysis mentioned above occurs in the final part of the work from chapter 16. The demand for a definition of Brazilian national identity leads to an absence of belonging. In this way it is necessary to understand what the pejorative conception exists in the Brazilian society in which the citizen is inserted. In view of this, the aim of this article is to find grounds for the lack of recognition of "Being" within Brazilian society, starting from a differentiation between the public and private. The same is a descriptive bibliographical research. It is concluded that in Brazil the idea of the duty-to-be is predominant in relation to the idea of the duty of the being, being that the norm itself directs what should be. In this segment the right is imposed on the fragility of the social balance, the disobedience is born as a disguise to take from the man the spasm of servitude and subservience, seeking what really matters for "Being".