The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychosemantic features of perception of social advertising about the protection of homeless animals. The objectives of the study are 1) to identify the main thematic areas of social advertising aimed at protecting stray animals and the formation of humane treatment of them; 2) to determine the psychosemantic features of the perception of social advertising about the protection and assistance of homeless animals. Qualitative and psychosemantic methods were used to achieve research goals. The leading topics of social advertising are singled out: 1) videos that draw attention to the problem of animal protection; 2) videos that draw attention to animal shelters; 3) videos with the assumption that animals have ideas about the human world; 4) videos that demonstrate the benefits of pets; 5) videos about the betrayal of owners in relation to pets. There are proposed the criteria for evaluating social advertising on the protection of homeless animals, which were the basis for the development of the semantic differential: 1) the video attracts attention; 2) arouses curiosity; 3) causes strong emotional impressions; 4) designed for a person like me; 5) has a clear idea; 6) informs about the physical condition of homeless animals; 7) encourages reflection on the problems of homeless animals; 8) causes a desire to provide material or direct assistance to shelters; 9) makes you want to provide assistance and protection to homeless animals; 10) causes a desire to take a homeless animal home. Differences in the perception of social advertising of different thematic orientations are identified. It is found that social advertising, which refers to the betrayal of owners in relation to pets has the highest scores of the respondents by the vast majority of criteria. First of all, such advertising attracts attention and arouses interest, evokes strong emotional impressions, is understandable and quite relevant, encourages to think about the problems of homeless animals. Social advertising, which assumes that animals have ideas about the human world and tells their vision of their own situation in it, is the most understandable and relevant to the subjects and also attracts attention and interest, leaves strong emotional impressions after watching it, encourages thinking about problems of homeless animals. Social advertising about animal shelters is the most understandable, encourages reflection on the problems of homeless animals, and arouses the desire to provide assistance and protection to them. Social advertising, which draws attention to the problems of stray animals in general and calls for their protection, is one of the most understandable, informs about their physical condition, and encourages people to think about their problems. Social advertising, which shows the benefits of pets, is quite relevant and understandable, but it is the least encouraging to think about the problems of homeless animals and does not cause the desire to provide them help and protection.