Fog computing & IoT based smart healthcare system for detecting heart related problem

In healthcare cloud computing is increasing efficiency whilst decreasing the cost in many aspects. Things are becoming easier and safer by using cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) as well as cloud computing provides so many useful services. But there are somelimitations of cloud computing like high latency and error in a large amount of data transmission, which cannot be tolerated in many healthcare emergencies cases because delay and inaccurate data or results may affect crucially on human life and a wrong decision can be made. The innovation of Fog Computing has solved the problem of high latency and bandwidth, by creating a Fog layer between the end-user and cloud computing. In today’s scenario, Heart disease is a major cause of death and many heart problems happen slowly over time. Fog-cloud computing-based IoT devices are so useful to diagnose heart problems in the early stage and if found any abnormality in the result also notify the end-user and immediate treatment can be given to the patient. Here you find Here Healthfog is a new concept coupled with deep learning sets in leading devices and automatically structured for use in real-time heart disease analysis. It relies on Fog services in IoT devices and handles the data of cardiac patients efficiently. With this model, FogBus is used to set up and measure the latency, bandwidth, accuracy and power consumption efficiency of this model. This model provides the best Quality of Service (QoS).

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