Helicobacter pylori-induced adrenomedullin modulates IFN-gamma-producing T-cell responses and contributes to gastritis

Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a multifunctional peptide that is expressed by many surface epithelial cells, but its relevance to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)-induced gastritis is unknown. Here, we found that gastric ADM expression was elevated in gastric mucosa of H. pylori-infected patients and mice. In H. pylori-infected human gastric mucosa, ADM expression was positively correlated with the degree of gastritis; accordingly, blockade of ADM resulted in decreased inflammation within the gastric mucosa of H. pylori-infected mice. During H. pylori infection, ADM production was promoted via PI3K-AKT signaling pathway activation by gastric epithelial cells in a cagA-dependent manner, and resulted in increased inflammation within the gastric mucosa. This inflammation was characterized by the increased IFN-gamma-producing T cells, whose differentiation was induced via the phosphorylation of AKT and STAT3 by ADM derived from gastric epithelial cells. ADM also induced macrophages to produce IL-12, which promoted the IFN-gamma-producing T-cell responses, thereby contributing to the development of H. pylori-associated gastritis. Accordingly, blockade of IFN-gamma or knockout of IFN-gamma decreased inflammation within the gastric mucosa of H. pylori-infected mice. This study identifies a novel regulatory network involving H. pylori, gastric epithelial cells, ADM, macrophages, T cells, and IFN-gamma, which collectively exert a pro-inflammatory effect within the gastric microenvironment.