Estimation of Carbon Stored in Reforestations in The Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico is one of the countries with the highest soil degradation due to erosion in Latin America. One of the most affected areas is the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico which presents advanced degradation processes. Where reforestation has been implemented as a restoration strategy. Which will allow recovering some ecosystem functions, such as protection against erosion and carbon capture. Materials and Methods: In the present study, aerial biomass, aerial carbon and soil organic carbon (SOC) were estimated in reforestation of Pinus greggii of different ages (1 to 8 years) with soil clearing under two slope conditions in the northern zone of the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca. Aerial biomass and aerial carbon were obtained by allometric equations. The organic carbon content of the soil was estimated from the soil organic matter (OM), which was evaluated by the method proposed by Walkley and Black [1].