Injection site vaccinology of a recombinant vaccinia-based vector reveals diverse innate immune signatures

Poxvirus systems have been extensively used as vaccine vectors. Herein a RNA-Seq analysis of intramuscular injection sites provided detailed insights into host innate immune responses, as well as expression of vector and recombinant immunogen genes, after vaccination with a new multiplication defective, vaccinia-based vector, Sementis Copenhagen Vector. Chikungunya and Zika virus immunogen mRNA and protein expression was associated with necrosing skeletal muscle cells surrounded by mixed cellular infiltrates. The multiple adjuvant signatures at 12 hours post-vaccination were dominated by TLR3, 4 and 9, STING, MAVS, PKR and the inflammasome. Th1 cytokine signatures were dominated by IFN gamma, TNF and IL1 beta, and chemokine signatures by CCL5 and CXCL12. Multiple signatures associated with dendritic cell stimulation were evident. By day seven, vaccine transcripts were absent, and cell death, neutrophil, macrophage and inflammation annotations had abated. No compelling arthritis signatures were identified. Such injection site vaccinology approaches should inform refinements in poxvirus-based vector design. Author summary Poxvirus vector systems have been widely developed for vaccine applications. Despite considerable progress, so far only one recombinant poxvirus vectored vaccine has to date been licensed for human use, with ongoing efforts seeking to enhance immunogenicity whilst minimizing reactogenicity. The latter two characteristics are often determined by early post-vaccination events at the injection site. We therefore undertook an injection site vaccinology approach to analyzing gene expression at the vaccination site after intramuscular inoculation with a recombinant, multiplication defective, vaccinia-based vaccine. This provided detailed insights into inter alia expression of vector-encoded immunoregulatory genes, as well as host innate and adaptive immune responses. We propose that such injection site vaccinology can inform rational vaccine vector design, and we discuss how the information and approach elucidated herein might be used to improve immunogenicity and limit reactogenicity of poxvirus-based vaccine vector systems.