Though 80% of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID -19) patients recover without much medical intervention, the morbidities and mortality in the in the second wave of COVID-19 have been reported to be more. Though COVID-19 mortality is mostly due to acute pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), it has also been reported that cardiac problems and cardiovascular (CV) risks are not less in this disease.[1] Even after recovery, patients are dying due to cardio-respiratory complications in the post-recovery period. To date, there is no evidence of any effective treatment for COVID-19. In India alone at the peak of second wave, daily new cases reported were more than 4 lakhs and daily deaths were about 4000. Practice of yoga is known to improve cardiac and pulmonary functions.[2] Among yoga techniques, pranayamas (controlled breathings) are more effective in promoting cardio-respiratory functions.[3] Among different types of pranayamas, the chandranadi pranayama (left-nostril breathing) and anulom-vilom pranayama (alternate-nostril breathing) have been demonstrated to have maximum beneficial effects on autonomic and cardiopulmonary functions, especially if they are practiced in a single session of pranayama schedule.[4,5] Recently, a slow and deep pranayama schedule integrating both these pranayamas has been reported to facilitate early recovery from COVID-19.[6] Read More ...