Novel Therapeutic Strategy in the Treatment of Diabetes Type 2, the Use of Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cells in 15 Patients: Is There Any Relation with the Incretin-GLP-1/GIP Axis?

Peripheral blood stem cells (PB-SCs) are probably the most common and the most “slighted” stem cells utilized in medicine, their clinical application is back to year 1986 with the intent of replacing BM as a stem-cell source. This brief manuscript provides a general view into the amazing world of PB-SCs. Since then PB-SCs have been widely studied and the outcomes revealed a very particular biological character that lead to their clinical use in degenerative metabolic diseases as diabetes type 2 (DM2). Based on published data, we have proposed that a combination of both low glycemic index diet (LGI diet) and PB-SCs would generate major improvements in glucose metabolism via positive modification on GLP-1/GIP-Insulin axis. We have elucidated the beneficial effects of the LGI diet combined with PB-SCs on glucose tolerance in 15 individuals. We examined physiologic changes in whole-body insulin sensitivity and insulin and lipid profile after autologous PB-SCs, followed by a LGI diet regimen, which is a central tool in glucose clearance in the post-treatment period. Thus, it was discussed the modulating and regenerative activity of PB-SCs and LGI diet on the insulin, incretin/GLP-1 axis in response to sugar drive typical of DM2 condition.