Model Pembelajaran Portofolio dalam Pembelajararan Tematik Terpadu

This study aims to describe the improvement of learning outcomes by using the Portfolio model in integrated thematic learning of fifth grade. In the implementation the teacher has not used a learning model that can arouse students' enthusiasm, and does not provide problems in learning and student work outcomes are not kept together so it is difficult to see student development. This type of research is Classroom Action Research and uses qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subject of this research is the fifth grade elementary school students. The data of this study are the results of observations and tests of each learning improvement action by applying the portfolio model. This portfolio model has 6 stages namely "1) identifying the problem, 2) selecting the problem for the class study, 3) collecting information about the problems studied in class. 4) developing portfolios in class, 5) collection of materials, 6) portfolio display section. The results of this study indicate that in the first cycle the average cognitive value of students was 71.5 and in the second cycle increased that the average cognitive value of students became 92. Conclusion, that there was a significant increase in student learning outcomes after applying the portfolio model to learning integrated thematic in grade V elementary school. Keywords: Portfolio Model, Learning Outcomes