Effects of heating on the physical properties of premixed calcium silicate-based root canal sealers

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of heating on the physical properties of four types of premixed calcium silicate-based root canal sealers. Endoseal MTA, Well-Root ST, EndoSequence BC Sealer, EndoSequence BC Sealer HiFlow, and AH Plus (epoxy resin root canal sealer) were heated at 100°C for 1 min, and changes in setting time, flow, and film thickness were evaluated in accordance with ISO 6876:2012 standards. In addition, pH measurement and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses of the set materials were performed. All root canal sealers heated at 100°C showed significant decreases in setting time and flow, particularly Endoseal MTA. In addition, the film thickness of Endoseal MTA increased significantly after heating at 100°C. The pH and SEM/EDS results were not affected by heating. Heating calcium silicate-based root canal sealers accelerated setting time, decreased flow, and increased film thickness. However, the degree of these changes varied among the products. The present findings indicate that heat-induced changes in the physical properties of calcium silicate-based root canal sealers could adversely affect the quality of warm vertical condensation technique.
Funding Information
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (17K11700)