On Scheduling Mechanisms Beyond the Worst Case

The problem of scheduling unrelated machines has been studied since the inception of algorithmic mechanism design~\cite{NR99}. It is a resource allocation problem that entails assigning $m$ tasks to $n$ machines for execution. Machines are regarded as strategic agents who may lie about their execution costs so as to minimize their allocated workload. To address the situation when monetary payment is not an option to compensate the machines' costs, \citeauthor{DBLP:journals/mst/Koutsoupias14} [2014] devised two \textit{truthful} mechanisms, K and P respectively, that achieve an approximation ratio of $\frac{n+1}{2}$ and $n$, for social cost minimization. In addition, no truthful mechanism can achieve an approximation ratio better than $\frac{n+1}{2}$. Hence, mechanism K is optimal. While approximation ratio provides a strong worst-case guarantee, it also limits us to a comprehensive understanding of mechanism performance on various inputs. This paper investigates these two scheduling mechanisms beyond the worst case. We first show that mechanism K achieves a smaller social cost than mechanism P on every input. That is, mechanism K is pointwise better than mechanism P. Next, for each task $j$, when machines' execution costs $t_i^j$ are independent and identically drawn from a task-specific distribution $F^j(t)$, we show that the average-case approximation ratio of mechanism K converges to a constant. This bound is tight for mechanism K. For a better understanding of this distribution dependent constant, on the one hand, we estimate its value by plugging in a few common distributions; on the other, we show that this converging bound improves a known bound \cite{DBLP:conf/aaai/Zhang18} which only captures the single-task setting. Last, we find that the average-case approximation ratio of mechanism P converges to the same constant.