地貌景观是在成因上彼此相关的各种地表形态的组合。珠三角地区地质条件复杂,在地球演化过程中,由于各种内外动力地质作用,形成了丰富多样、类型齐全的地质遗迹资源。珠三角地貌景观类地质遗迹不仅有重要的科学研究价值,还有极高的美学价值和旅游开发价值。本文对区内31处地貌景观类地质遗迹进行梳理发现,位于国家级公园(景区)、省级公园(景区)、市县级公园(景区)内的地貌景观类地质遗迹分别有15处、4处、3处,占总量的71%,区内的地貌景观类地质遗迹得到了较好的旅游开发。 Geomorphologic landscape is a combination of various surface forms that are related to each other in origin. The Pearl River Delta region is characterized by complex geological conditions. Due to various internal and external dynamic geological processes in the process of earth evolution, rich and diverse geological relic resources of various types have been formed. The geomorphological and landscape geological relics in the Pearl River Delta are not only of great scientific value, but also of high aesthetic value and tourism development value. The 31 geomorphic landscape geological relics in the area can be divided into 5 categories and 13 subcategories, among which 15, 4 and 3 geomorphic landscape geological relics are located in national parks (scenic spots), provincial parks (scenic spots) and municipal and county parks (scenic spots), accounting for 71% of the total. It can provide a good reference value for the study and utilization of geomorphic geological relics in other areas.