Coping with COVID-19 pandemic lockdown – The lady doctors perspective

Objectives: This study is about the challenges faced by the women doctors in India during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: We conducted an online survey in 2020 for women doctors who were professionally engaged in active patient management in India before the onset of the current pandemic. Results: A total of 260 valid responses were received. Only 28% (73/260) were able to provide at least 50% of professional services as compared to the pre COVID-19 lockdown period. Statistically significant differences related to emotional health (feelings), physical activity, changes in how family sees the lady professional, personal free time availability, and family bonding. Conclusion: COVID-19 has led to the following important concerns for professional women - academic productivity; work-life balance; missed opportunities for collaborating; mental health, the need for equity-minded academic leadership, and decision-making. Our study showed that majority were stressed during the COVID-19 lockdown – with the impact being highest among those giving more than 50% of their time to professional medical services outside their homes.