A Cloud-Based Enterprise Resource Planning Architecture for Women’s Education in Remote Areas

This research provides an approach to exploring a suitable enterprise resource planning system using cloud management architecture for the educational environment. It enables enterprises to get into the competition. Enterprise resource planning for educational firms provides an approach to address the targeted female population. To achieve this goal, a system has been established that has an infrastructure basis on governments, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), universities, and other social service providers. This paper helps to present the architecture of cloud computing for the overall educational environment concerns around the world. This research aims to contribute to women’s education with respect to modern technology. It ensures that technology is cost-efficiently available for women’s education in view of the availability and consistency of the system and in accordance with goals. An architecture is proposed to solve and take over the limitations that have been faced and are the reasons for the failure of the available systems. After designing the architecture, a survey questionnaire was designed and conducted with students and professionals of Air University, Bahria University, and Preston University.

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