Padi di Kabupaten Jember mengalami penurunan produksi, salah satunya disebabkan oleh organismepengganggu tanaman. Aplikasi PHT (Pengendalian Hama Terpadu) dengan memanfaatkan musuh alami dapatditerapkan agar ekosistem pertanaman padi seimbang. Penggunaan refugia bagi hama padi diharapkan efektifuntuk mengurangi populasi dan serangan hama. Penelitian dilakukan dari Agustus hingga Oktober 2017 di DesaSuren, Kecamatan Ledokombo, Kabupaten Jember. Refugia yang digunakan adalah kenikir (Cosmos caudatus)dan bunga kertas (Zinnia elegans). Pengambilan sampel acak adalah sistematis (pola zig-zag). Variabel yangdiamati adalah investasi dan klasifikasi populasi serangga. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan metodepengumpulan data primer. Populasi hama padi tertinggi diketahui pada perlakuan yang tidak berada pada tanamanrefugia di pinggir sawah dan hama yang paling dominan adalah wereng hijau poppy atau Nipothetix spp denganjumlah populasi rata-rata 12 ekor. Pengamatan tanaman padi yang diolah dan ditanami tanaman refugia di pinggirsawah, diketahui populasi tertinggi pada umur 4 MST dan serangga yang diidentifikasi adalah hama. Total musuhalami pada tanaman padi tanpa tanaman refugia sebanyak 305 ekor, tanaman padi dengan tanaman refugiasebanyak 438 ekor. Populasi serangga musuh alami lebih besar pada tanaman padi dengan tanaman refugia. Halini disebabkan sepanjang sawah ditumbuhi gulma dan tanaman refugia.Kata kunci: Cosmos caudatus, Nipothetix spp, Zinnia elegansABSTRACTRice is the staple food commodity of Indonesian society. Jember regency has experienced decreased inrice production. One of cause is plant-disturbing organism. Maintenance of rice crops done by farmers so far isby using synthetic chemical pesticides. By utilizing natural enemies, IPM application (Integrated Pest Control)can be applied properly for rice ecosystem to be balanced. This research was conducted from August to October2017 in Suren Village, Ledokombo Sub-district, Jember District. Refugia used in this research are seeds kenikir(Cosmos caudatus) and Bougainvillea (Zinnia elegans). The rice variety used is Ciherang. Random sampling issystematic (zigzag pattern). The variables observed in this research are investment and classification of insectpopulation. The data collection procedure uses primary data collection method. It is known that the highest ricepest population is known in the treatment that is not in plant refugia plant on the edge of the rice field and themost dominant pest is the green planthopper poppy or Nipothetix spp average number of population there are 12tails. While on the observation of rice plants that are treated planted refugia plant on the edge of the rice field isknown to the highest population at age 4 MST and the pests that are identified is pest. Total natural enemies inrice plants without refugia plants as many as 305 head, rice plant with Refugia plant as many as 438 tail. It canbe seen that in rice plants with plants Refugia larger population of natural enemy insects, this is because in thelong along the rice field fulfilled weeds and plants refugia.Key words: Cosmos caudatus, Nipothetix spp, Zinnia elegans.