纵观马克思主义理论体系,人的解放是其最终价值取向。《〈黑格尔法哲学批判〉导言》(以下简称《导言》)作为马克思的早期著作,根据其中人的解放出场来审视,马克思在文中是以“宗教批判–现实批判–人的解放”的线索关联进行探析,这也是马克思最终论述人的解放的逻辑主线,他借助对宗教批判以及德国现实制度、国家哲学法哲学的批判,最终落脚于“人的解放”,并进一步探讨了“政治解放”与“人的解放”的关系,论述了实现“人的解放”的路径及其可能性。 Throughout the Marxist theoretical system, human liberation is its ultimate value orientation. “Introduction to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” (hereinafter referred to as “Introduction”) is Marx’s early work, based on the appearance of the liberation of the people in it. The analysis of clues and connections is also the main logical thread of Marx’s final discussion of human liberation. With the help of criticism of religion and the German reality system, national philosophy and philosophy, he finally settled on “human liberation” and further explored “political liberation”. The relationship between “and the liberation of human beings” discusses the path and possibility of realizing the liberation of human beings.