The Impact of Peer Group Pressure on Academic Performance of Adolescent Students: An Intervention Program to Resist Peer Pressure

This study aims to explore the effect of peer group pressure on the academic performance of adolescent students at Government Senior Secondary School, Lamingo, Jos North L.G.A. A sample size of one hundred was determined using Yaroyamene’s formula; probability sampling techniques were adopted; questionnaires were used as an instrument for collecting data. The data collected were analysed using a simple table and percentage. This study revealed that 80% of peer group like all their friends, 75% don’t lack self-confidence among their peers, 60% have been sent out of the class before, 65% agreed that influence on behaviour lower academic performance. The hypothesis was tested using chi-square, which showed no association between peer group pressure and the academic performance of adolescent students. Therefore, this research recommends that teachers with support from parents provide adequate guidance and intervention program to adolescents to help them understand how the friends they keep can positively or negatively influence their academic performance in school.