Infusing the trauma-informed approach in youth suicide research: Lessons from the field.

Adolescent suicide is a serious public health problem in Chile. Given the high prevalence of suicidal behaviors and suicide, youth suicide researchers must approach participants, families, and communities with care. Special attention must be given to suicide-related trauma among survivors of suicidal behaviors and of suicide. In this article, we discuss how investigators can infuse the trauma-informed model in their work. Our discussion is organized around research stages and tasks: study design, recruitment, data collection and analysis, and care for the research team. We illustrate the integration of the trauma-informed (TI) model key elements and principles with examples from our work in youth suicide research. We posit that infusing the TI model in research aligns with the ethical mandate of beneficence. Our goal is to help other researchers reflect on how to design and implement TI informed research that is attuned to participants, staff, and communities.
Funding Information
  • Ministerio de la Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación de Chile (11170308)