Growth Rate and Biomass Leaf Production Of Thalassia hemprichii at Pengudang and Dompak Waters, Bintan Island

Research on the rate of growth and reproduction of seagrass leaf type Thalassia hemprichii has been done in the waters of Pengudang and Dompak, Bintan Island. Aim this research for compare the growth rate and the production rate of Thalassia hemprichii biomass in Pengudang and Dompak coastal area, Bintan Island. The research was done by purposive sampling method, 30 individu seagrass leaves samples were taken using a plot measuring 50x50 centimeters. The results of the study were in the growth rate of the seagrass leaf type Thalassia hemprichii in the waters of Pengudang and Dompak 1.03 mm/day and 0.77 mm/day. Production rate of the Thalassia hemprichii leave biomass 0.07 gDW/m2 at Pengudang and 0.03 gDW/m2 at Dompak. Density of seagrass type Thalassia hemprichii 119.22 stands/m2 at Pengudang and 96.00 stands/m2 at Dompak. Based on test Two-Way ANOVA. There is no noticeable difference between the growth and production of the type of seagrass leaves Thalassia hemprichii in the waters of Pengudang and Dompak, Bintan Island.