随着孤儿作品越来越多,如何对这些作品的著作权和使用权进行利用,成为了一直以来的热门话题。本文借鉴了欧洲ARROW项目的建设经验,对版权、著作权、知识产权等权利信息进行分布式管理的自动化系统——ARROW进行了介绍,以期对我国的孤儿作品的版权问题提供可以借鉴的对策。 With more and more orphan works, how to use the copyright and use right of these works has become a hot topic all the time. Based on the construction experience of ARROW project in Europe, this paper introduces ARROW, an automatic system for distributed management of copyright, copyright, intellectual property and other right information, in order to provide reference countermeasures for the copyright problems of orphan works in China.