Tourism Planning Based on Educational Tourism in Agro-Tourism

The focus of this research is on educational tourism which is specifically designed to fulfill the scientific capacity of tourists, thereby being able to fill in their insights with travel activities. In this study, tourism planning based on educational tourism will be carried out by involving local communities. The potential for educational tourism is seen based on the components of tourism products, explains the form of educational tourism, and explains the planning of educational tours based on Buana Amertha Sari Agro-tourism. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews with village heads, agro-tourism owners and workers in Agro-tourism, as well as literature studies related to educational tourism. The results showed that the condition of the attractiveness of Buana Amertha Sari Agro-tourism as a tourist destination which was reviewed through the components of tourism products and was sufficient to support the implementation of this form of educational tourism. For educational activities that have the aim of providing visitors with direct learning, in terms of the principles of educational tourism that are applied, they are adequate. In educational tourism planning there is a description that describes each step of the tourism planning process and is supported by the role of actors.