Cloud Computing Analysis of Indian ASAT Test on March 27, 2019

In this paper we presented the results of cloud computing and analysis of orbital parameters of the satellite fragments that formed by first India anti-satellite (ASAT) missile against a "live" Microsat-R satellite launched by them on January 24, 2019. Based on the cloud computing we calculated the orbital parameters and distribution of impulse values obtained by Microsat-R fragments that were formed after the impact of ASAT missile and tracked by NASA. All results in this paper and detailed analysis of this event are based on the orbital data taken in form of NORAD two-line element (TLE) dataset from and by own calculation of the CoLiTec group in EOS Data Analytics using own cloud server. The test parameters were chosen with extreme caution to minimize the hazard of debris after the impact. However, the results of our research showed the significant differences from expected "head-on collision" of rocket with Microsat-R satellite.

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