随着奶牛产奶量的巨大提升,奶牛元素缺乏性代谢病发病率显著升高,给奶牛养殖造成了重大经济损失。在奶牛元素缺乏性代谢病诊断治疗方面,兽医对低血钙性奶牛产后瘫痪和低血磷性奶牛产后瘫痪较为熟悉。对低血钾性产后瘫痪、低血镁性产后瘫痪则较为陌生,在临床诊断和治疗方面的专业能力较为薄弱。笔者针对这两种疾病,从发病机理、临床症状特点、诊断、治疗等方面,开展了系统的临床鉴别诊治研究。在此将近年来针对奶牛低血钾性产后瘫痪与低血镁性产后瘫痪临床鉴别诊治结果,作以交流介绍。 With the huge increase in milk production by cows, the incidence of deficiency metabolic disease in cow elements increased significantly, which caused great economic losses to dairy farming. In the diagnosis and treatment of cow element deficiency metabolic disease, veterinarians are familiar with postpartum paralysis in low-blood calcium cows and postpartum paralysis in low-blood phosphorus cows. The understanding of the low blood potassium post-natal paralysis and low blood magnesium post-natal paralysis is not much, expertise in clinical diagnosis and treatment is weak. The author aims at these two diseases. From the pathogenesis, clinical symptom characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and so on, a systematic study of clinical identification and treatment was carried out. In recent years, the results of clinical diagnosis and treatment of low-blood potassium postpartum paralysis and low-blood magnesium postpartum paralysis in cows will be identified here, to make an exchange of introductions.