Behavior Based Safety Approach to Improve Workplace Safety in Multistory Building Construction

Behavior Based Safety (BBS) approach is the “usage of science for changing the behavior of an individual”. “Behavior Based Safety” focuses on action of workmen on day-to-day safety behavior and its improvement. This study presents a case study within the multistory building construction in India. This research work plans the outline of the BBS method into 7 steps and encapsulates a number of behavioral safety methods to prevent the workplace accident. The objective of this paper is to create a safe work environment in construction industries by decreasing frequency severity of injuries and increase the safe behavior. The outcome of this research work revealed that a method related to observation, a real-time measure of safety behavior with appreciative and constructive feedback for the significant improvement of the safety performance in multistory building construction. Observers educated to provide appreciative feedback when the workers performed the task safely and to offer constructive feedback to unsafe task performers. Baseline data of current safety performance was calculated before the BBS approach implementation and compared with the safety performance weekly data to identify the improvements.