A conceptual study on national rural drinking water program

It is important to know Rural Drinking Water is the item of State list but For improving the coverage of adequate and safe drinking water for drinking, cooking and other basic needs at the all time and in the each and every situation (even at the time of disaster) to the rural population or household. In this area Ministry of drinking water and sanitation provides technical & financial assistance through a Centrally Sponsored Scheme named ‘National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP)’. The Program was launched on 01.04.2009 and restructured in November 2017 since the program was started in 1972-73 as accelerating rural water supply program.This study was conducted to review the scholarly article and reports to draw a conceptual structure about the scheme with the objective to know the basic fundamentals behind the program, to know the success rate of the program and to know about the barrier to achieving the ultimate goal of the program. A systematic approach was made in this article to capture and draw theoretical base about National rural drinking water program (NRDWP) on the basis of secondary sources. Data were collected from the periodicals, journal articles, governmental report (like as Comptroller and Auditor Journal of India’s report) and non- governmental reports (like different privately funded research institutions report). The present study attempts to portray the conceptual structure of NRDWP in the field of drinking water and sanitation management under the umbrella of sustainable development goal.