病毒引发的疫情溯源往往成为一个世界难题。通过流行病学调查和基因分析等进行疫情溯源探索,是当前通行的做法。COVID-19疫情起源的多源性学说具有一定的科学性,但是2020年6月上旬北京新发地爆发疫情的结果,使得我们逐渐倾向下列结论:人为布撒SARS-CoV-2的“阴谋论”几率进一步增加。 Traceability of viral outbreaks has often become a world problem. Tracing the origin of the epi-demic through epidemiological investigation and gene analysis is the current practice. The multi-source theory of the origin of the COVID-19 epidemic is scientific, but the outbreak in Beijing in early June 2020 made it easier for people to draw the following conclusions: the probability of ar-tificially spreading the “conspiracy theory” of SARS-CoV-2 is further increased.

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